Kean Psychological Services Telehealth
(908) 737-5890

We are now offering telehealth Therapy free-of-charge to the community. We are proud to offer no-cost therapeutic services through telehealth (online/web) during the daytime and extended evening hours. Call us at (908) 737-5890 to find out more and to schedule a screening. Our clinic assistants are checking the voice messages regularly. Please leave a voice message with your phone number, and someone will get back to you quickly.
***Please note **** that on account of state licensure laws individuals receiving therapy must reside in NJ.
Assessment and Evaluation Services: Our physical clinic (On North Avenue, in the Kean University East Campus Building) is now open in a limited capacity. To request a spot on our waitlist, please call our clinic and leave a voice message at (908) 737-5890. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Kean Psychological Services is proud to offer comprehensive evaluations and intervention services for children, adolescents, and adults. We offer our services for free to make them accessible for all families within the community.
Services Include:
Adults | Children and Adolescents |
ADHD Assessment | Adjustment Difficulties |
Anxiety Treatment | Assessment and Treatment for Mental Health Concerns |
Chronic Pain Treatment | Early Childhood Evaluations |
Depression Treatment | Learning and Educational Challenges |
Learning Disability Assessment | Parent Training and Support |
Mindfulness- and Acceptance-Based Therapies | School and Home Behavior Problems |
Trauma-Informed Treatment | Social, Emotional, and Relationship Issues |
Clinicians, Faculty, and Trainers
Kean Psychological Services seeks to help prepare doctoral students in clinical and school psychology to become psychologists and to provide needed behavioral health services to the community free of charge. We are proud to provide no-fee services through our state-of-the-art community training clinic. Our clinicians are graduate students in Kean University's Psy.D. Program in Combined School and Clinical Psychology, who represent diverse backgrounds in terms of age, sex, gender identity, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, religious and spiritual background, and socioeconomic status, and seek to serve individuals from all walks of life. All clinicians are closely supervised by licensed psychologists, who are core faculty members within the APA-Accredited doctoral program or practicing and credentialed psychologists working within the surrounding community.
As a University-based training clinic, we are proud to provide services to the community without charge. However, please be advised that our services may not be the right fit for everyone, as we may not have the appropriate staffing level or be able to provide the level of care or type of services needed for particular clients or families. We reserve the right to accept or not accept any client for services, but will always strive to provide appropriate referrals.
Please be advised that all services are provided through our clinic as part of our doctoral training program in professional psychology. Thus, all sessions are video and audio recorded for clinical training and research purposes.
A note regarding E-mail and Electronic Communication. Due to personal privacy concerns, we do not regularly communicate with individuals over email. Please call. If no one is available to answer, leave a message. The clinic voicemail is checked regularly.
Eligibility | Youth and adults receiving therapy must reside in NJ. |
Age Groups |
Health Services |
Behavioral / Mental HealthIntellectual and Developmental NeedsMedical |
Treatment Services |
Outpatient ServicesTreatment Setting
Payment Options |
Areas Served |
Last Updated: 04/23/24