Community Resource

Isaiah House

(973) 678-5882
East Orange

Isaiah House

Isaiah House is dedicated to those families who are considered "most fragile"--that is, those families who have been devastated by unemployment, illness, drug addiction, teenage pregnancy, fires, and other crises. In addition to housing, Isaiah House offers a variety of support services to family members, as well as an on-site NA support group. More than 60% of the families who have been residents in Isaiah House programs have successfully relocated to permanent housing.

DCP&P Residential Programs

Brothers With Brothers Program: Transitional residence for teen boys, ages 14-19, with open DCP&P cases. The goal of this program is to assist these young men in achieving social maturity and self-sufficiency to prevent, reduce and/or eliminate dependency. The program is designed to provide services for a minimum of 12 months. For referrals or for more information, contact Program Director, James Kimberling, LSW at 973-678-5882 x3026.

Teen Milestones & Pregnancy Program (Teen MAP): Transitional residence and service facility for pregnant and non-pregnant teen girls, ages 14-19, with open DCP&P cases. Teen MAP participants can continue with their regular school and any prenatal health program in which they are currently involved. A full-time case manager works with parenting education and life skills. Every pregnant teen in the program must follow a prenatal care schedule and learn meal planning and preparation. Parenting education is included, from baby development, stimulation and games, to alternatives to punishment, safety, providing for childcare, health and nutrition, and toilet training. Located at 85-89 N. 14th Street, East Orange, NJ 07010. Contact Diana Melton, Program Director, for more information at 973-677-1668.

Community Creche: Transitional residence and services for mothers and newborns with on-site daycare services. Community Creche's goal is to reduce the length of hospital stays for medically stable infants and nurture them physically and emotionally during this critical stage in their development."Boarder Babies" are our most fragile population. While hospital staff and volunteers care deeply for these infants, they cannot replace a family setting. Extended, non-medically required hospital stays can cause irreparable harm to infants, who do not learn to bond properly and who do not get the appropriate stimulation essential for development. DCP&P referrals only. For more information, contact Program Director, Stacy Rodgers, MSW at 973-678-5882 x3029.

Residential Programs

Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing: for families and single women ages 18 and up. For more information, contact Robyn Bynum-Edwards at 973-678-5882 x3019.

HIV/AIDS Residential Program: for women and families affected/infected by HIV/AIDS. It provides short-term shelter, long-term rental assistance, food, utility assistance, rental arrears assistance, condoms, and support groups. For housing, food, and financial assistance programs, you must provide proof of the HIV+ status for yourself or someone in your household. If the HIV+ person is not you, we will ask for proof that you share a residence. For the Food Pantry, no other referral is needed. All rental, relocation, and utility assistance is for residents of East Orange. For long- and short-term housing, contact Patricia Patterson, Case Manager at 973-678-5882 x3027. For housing assistance, contact Cheryl Carter-Weeks, Director of Community Affairs at 973-678-5882 x3002.

Age Groups
  • Children
  • Adolescents
  • Adults
Community Services
Basic Needs / Assistance
Family & Support Services
Health Services
Behavioral / Mental Health
Crisis / Safety
Intellectual and Developmental Needs
Payment Options
  • Free
  • State-Public Contracted Service

Last Updated: 05/28/24